Getting Focus, When Your Squirrelly

Jan 06, 2020

New Year, New You, and a lot of New Ideas!!!

As a creative woman, you're blessed with an abundance of ideas, which come easily to you.

However, if your aim is to make 2020 the best year ever in your business and life? Getting clear on which ideas to pursue and which ones to not. Will make the difference in you ending 2020 full of fun champagne toasts or in misery and tears.

So how do you get focus, when you're feeling squirrelly with all those ideas running around in your head?

Well, first you gotta Define all your ideas.

I know as a #GirlBoss when you have a ton of creative ideas for your business. It can be totally overwhelming and stressful trying to determine which one of your Biz ideas will be the best to pursue.

You try to brainstorm, but you can’t focus, and you feel totally out of control.

Thus the easiest and simplest way to strategize your ideas is to first define them all in detail.

When I work with my private clients on helping them brainstorm their ideas.  I share how defining them first, is the first step in 5 Essential Keys To Better Brainstorming.

Once this step is done, moving onto the next four steps becomes a breeze in Empowering your ideas into a Girl Boss Biz Success.

Wanna learn the next four steps to Brainstorming your Ideas with confidence.

Then check out my latest course, BRAINSTORM MASTERY!!

This online course provides you the proven techniques for self-mastering how to quickly gain clarity on all of your many creative business ideas.

To learn more about BRAINSTORM MASTERY click this link πŸ‘‰πŸ‘‰πŸ‘‰



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